Margaret Berry

Margaret Berry

Name: Margaret Berry

Epoch: Late 19th Century (the \'Long Nineteenth Century\')

Grouping Field: Humanities (Ideas Formatted as Ideas) and Social Science (Models)

Location Grouping: Individual\'s Work Location

Map Coordinates: 27°27\'28.6\"S 153°01\'33.5\"E

Years At Location: 1862-1905

One Historical Setting: Mrs. Margaret Berry, Headmistress, Brisbane Girls\' Normal (Central) School, Rogers Street, Spring Hill (1862)

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Margaret Berry was headmistress and teacher trainer at Brisbane National Girls’ School and from 1862 at Brisbane Girls’ Normal (Central) School.

Impact On Brisbane Society

Margaret Berry preserved the space for feminist education in the early years of Brisbane schooling, well before the elite women’s colleges were established. Although much of the education under Berry still was orientated for domestic roles, she held high views of feminine aptitude for scientific endeavours, at the time when the best of her graduates had careers in general primary education.


Tom Watson, ‘Berry, Margaret (1832–1918)’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 2005, accessed online 21 June 2019.

Image Citation

Margaret Berry Plaque. 07-October-2013. Photographer: John Huth. Monument Australia Website