Montagu John Stone-Wigg

Montagu John Stone-Wigg

Name: Montagu John Stone-Wigg

Epoch: Late 19th Century (the \'Long Nineteenth Century\')

Grouping Field: Humanities (Ideas Formatted as Ideas) and Social Science (Models)

Location Grouping: Individual\'s Work Location

Map Coordinates: 27°28\'20.1\"S 153°01\'25.7\"E

Years At Location: 1889-1898

One Historical Setting: Canon Montagu John Stone-Wigg, Street John\'s Anglican Pro Cathedral, William Street, Brisbane City (1892)

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Montagu Stone-Wigg became Assistant Curate (1889-1891), vicar (1891) and Canon Residentiary and Sub-Dean (1892-1898) at St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane. He established an Anglo-Catholic sisterhood in 1892.

Impact On Brisbane Society

According to Diane Langmore, Montagu Stone-Wigg “confessed himself less at home among the ‘swells’ of Brisbane than among the artisans of Hammersmith,” his previous appointment as curate at Holy Innocents, London. He assisted to build the Tractarian ideal of Bishop William Webber until Stone-Wigg’s appointment in New Guinea.


Lanmore, Diane. “Stone-Wigg, Montagu John (1861–1918)”, Australian Dictionary of Biography. National Centre for Biography, Australian National University. ( Retrieved 20 March 2017;

“Montagu John Stone-Wigg”, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from This page was last edited on 5 July 2018, at 03:15 (UTC).

Image Citation

Montagu John Stone-Wigg in Ingham, 1905. Friend, A., & North Queensland register. (n.d.). State Library of Queensland