Name: St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School (Corinda)
Time: 1929 - Current
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Category: Anglican Combined College
Institution Category: Education
Institution Group: Combined Levels
Coordinates: -27.5383957, 152.978383
Street Address: 11 Ruthven St, Corinda QLD 4075
Suburb: Corinda
Sector: Independent \'Protestant\'
Local Study Area: Corinda-Oxley
Study Stage: MBSH Stage 5 Local Study Areas
St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School was founded in 1929 by the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent. Sister Elisabeth was Sister-in-Charge, Christine Hartland was Headmistress, and Canon W. E. C. Barrett was Chaplain. The initial enrolment, comprising kindergarten, first, third and fourth forms was 17, including one boy. This had risen to 42 by the end of the year. St Aidan’s had 65 students by 1930 and 134 by 1934. In 1948, Sister Lois heralded the beginning of a 32-year period of St Aidan’s having Sisters-in-Charge.
Geographic Description 1: Outside The Green Belt
Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River; Oxley Creek
Geographic Description 3: Flood Gullies (Major); Hills
“Our School” . St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School. Retrieved 28 May 2017.
Geise, Raymond Frederick. The Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent and their Contribution to Educating Girls since 1895, Victory Press Printing Company, Bribie Island, Qld, 2012.
St. Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School : Celebrating Over 75 Years []