Name: Emmanuel College
Time: 1912 - 1955
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Category: University Residential College
Institution Category: Education
Institution Group: Tertiary
Coordinates: -27.461305, 153.021138333333
Street Address: Emmanuel College, 465 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill
Suburb: Spring Hill
Sector: Independent \'Protestant\'
Local Study Area: Spring Hill-CBD-Fortitude Valley-New Farm (Inner City)
Study Stage: MBNH Stage 9 Local Study Areas
Emmanuel College was founded by the Queensland Presbyterian Church in 1911. It was created as a university residential college for the new university in an adaption from the Oxbridge model. Only a small amount of axillary tutorials occurred in the Australian residential college system, and a true college existed with the housing of a theological centre. In the case of ‘Emmanuel’, it was the Presbyterian Theological Hall.
In 1955, the College relocated to its current site on Sir William MacGregor Drive, St Lucia.
Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt
Geographic Description 2: York’s Hollow
Geographic Description 3: Hills (Large); Not Prone to Flooding but with low-lying valley area
Emmanuel College 2011, Overview and History, . Retrieved on 7 January 2019.
Story, John D. The Spirit of Caledonia in the Formation of the University of Queensland, Emmanuel College, St. Lucia, Qld, 2011.
Emmanuel College, Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, 1930. Archive: John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland. []