Name: Bowen House School
Time: 1913 - Closed
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Category: Educational Centre (Primary)
Institution Category: Education
Institution Group: Primary
Coordinates: -27.4676666666667, 153.024195
Street Address: Bowen House School, Ann Street, Brisbane City
Suburb: Brisbane City (CBD)
Sector: Independent \'Protestant\'
Local Study Area: Spring Hill-CBD-Fortitude Valley-New Farm (Inner City)
Study Stage: MBNH Stage 9 Local Study Areas
Further research is underway.
Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt
Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River
Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains (Major); High River Banks (still floods); Ridgeline (Slopes off Wickham Tce)
Further research is underway.
Sack Races at the Bowen House School Sports at the Exhibition Grounds, Ca. 1900. Hardie, D. (2005). State Library of Queensland