University of Queensland (Original City Campus)

Name: University of Queensland (Original City Campus)

Time: -

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Category: Teritary (University) School

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Tertiary

Coordinates: -27.4773565, 153.0284154

Street Address: 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000

Suburb: Brisbane City (CBD)

Sector: State

Local Study Area: Spring Hill-CBD-Fortitude Valley-New Farm (Inner City)

Study Stage: MBNH Stage 9 Local Study Areas

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The University of Queensland was founded in 1909 and is Australia’s fifth oldest university. In 1893, the Queensland University Extension Movement was begun by a group of private individuals who organised public lecture courses in adult education. In 1906 the University Extension Movement staged the University Congress, a forum for interested delegates to promote the idea of a university. In 1910 the first teaching faculties were created. These included engineering, classics, mathematics and chemistry. In December of the same year, the senate appointed the first four professors; Bertram Dillon Steele in chemistry, John Lundie Michie in classics, Henry James Priestley in mathematics and Alexander James Gibson in engineering. In 1911 the first students enrolled.

Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River

Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains (Major); High River Banks (still floods); Ridgeline (Slopes off Wickham Tce)


Malcolm Thomis. A place of light & learning: the University of Queensland’s first seventy-five years, St. Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1985

Image Citations

Hacker, Henry. (n.d.). Buildings of the University of Queensland in George Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Ca. 1920, Collection reference: 29917 Henry Hacker Photographs 1919-1965.