Name: Holy Spirit School
Time: 1937 -
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Category: Catholic Primary School
Institution Category: Education
Institution Group: Primary
Coordinates: -27.46475, 153.045611666667
Street Address: 36 Villiers St, New Farm
Suburb: New Farm
Sector: Independent \'Catholic\'
Local Study Area: Spring Hill-CBD-Fortitude Valley-New Farm (Inner City)
Study Stage: MBNH Stage 9 Local Study Areas
Holy Spirit School was built in 1937, Architects: Cullen & Egan. It replaced a 1923 timber building that had been the school since 1930.
Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt
Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River
Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains (Major); Hills; low-lying valley area (around James Street)
Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,