Name: Baroona Special School
Time: 1868 - 1995
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Category: Special School
Institution Category: Education
Institution Group: Schools \'Special\' or \'Therapy\'
Coordinates: -27.4672246, 152.9986639
Street Address: Bayswater St, Milton QLD 4064
Suburb: Milton
Sector: State
Local Study Area: Bardon-Red Hill-Milton-Kelvin Grove
Study Stage: MBNH Stage 7 Study Areas
Further research is underway.
Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt
Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River; Milton Creek [sealed over]
Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains; Flood Gullies (Major); Hills; Ridgeline (Slopes off Fernberg Road and Heussler Tce)
Further research is underway.