Name: St Joseph's School (Bardon)
Time: 1938 - Current
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Category: Catholic Primary School
Institution Category: Education
Institution Group: Primary
Coordinates: -27.4582814, 152.9804184
Street Address: 41 The Dr, Bardon QLD 4065
Suburb: Bardon
Sector: Independent \'Catholic\'
Local Study Area: Bardon-Red Hill-Milton-Kelvin Grove
Study Stage: MBNH Stage 7 Study Areas
Further research is underway.
Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt
Geographic Description 2: Ithaca Creek
Geographic Description 3: Flood Gullies; Hills (Large); Ridgeline (Stuartholme Road and Jubilee Tce)
Further research is underway.
Unidentified. (n.d.). New Classroom Block at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Bardon, Queensland, 1970, SLQ Collection reference: 6523 Royal Australian Institute of Architects photographs and plan.