St Thomas Aquinas School

Name: St Thomas Aquinas School

Time: 1946 - 1966

Epoch: Late 20th Century

Category: Catholic Primary School

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Primary

Coordinates: -27.5001116666667, 152.999638333333

Street Address: Central Avenue, St Lucia

Suburb: St Lucia

Sector: Independent \'Catholic\'

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Study Stage: MBNH Stage 7 Study Areas

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St Thomas Aquinas School was named after the parish which was established in the late 1940s. It was operated by the Brigidine Sisters, based at Indooroopilly with lay teachers. It began as a day school which was housed in the recycled 1939-45 war huts on Eighth Avenue.

Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River; University of Queensland Lakes

Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains (Major); Flood Gullies (Major); Hills (Large); Ridgeline (Swann Road and Hawkins Drive)


SLHG Papers: St Thomas Aquinas 1953 to 1966,19 Education in St Lucia

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