Taringa School of Arts

Name: Taringa School of Arts

Time: 1880 - Closed

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Category: School of Arts

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Public Community Education

Coordinates: -27.491945, 152.982195

Street Address: Morrow Street, Taringa

Suburb: Taringa

Sector: Independent \'Community\'

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Study Stage: MBNH Stage 7 Study Areas

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The Taringa School of Arts opened sometime around the creation of the Taringa Divisional Board in 1880.

Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: Toowong Creek (Headwater)

Geographic Description 3: Flood Gullies (Small); Hills; Ridgeline (Steep, Taringa Parade and Stanley Terrace)


Taringa History Group. 2 December 2017

Image Citations

Nesta Russell. Outside the School of Arts, Morrow St, Taringa c.1918.