Holy Family Primary School

Name: Holy Family Primary School

Time: 1926 -

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Category: Catholic Primary School

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Primary

Coordinates: -27.5005283333333, 152.979445

Street Address: 27-37 Ward St, Indooroopilly; 24-34 Cecil St, Indooroopilly

Suburb: Indooroopilly

Sector: Independent \'Catholic\'

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Study Stage: MBNH Stage 7 Study Areas

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The Holy Family Church & Primary School was built in 1926. School opened 1927.

Geographic Description 1: Inside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: Brisbane River

Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains (Major); Flood Gullies ; Hills (Large); Ridgeline (Slopes off Moggill Road, and Swann Road in St Lucia)


Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary, https://heritage.brisbane.qld.gov.au/heritage_register/placeDetail.do?action=read&placeId=2255&fullDetail=true&navParam=startBasic

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