St Paul's Anglican School

Name: St Paul's Anglican School

Time: 1916 - Closed

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Category: Anglican Combined College

Institution Category: Education

Institution Group: Combined Levels

Coordinates: -27.3155833333333, 153.004333333333

Street Address: 34 Strathpine Rd, Bald Hills

Suburb: Bald Hills

Sector: Independent \'Protestant\'

Local Study Area: Bald Hills

Study Stage: MBNH Stage 12 Local Study Areas

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St Paul’s Anglican School, Bald Hills, opened on 31 January 1961. The Church of England had acquired the property via a bequest from Sir Edwin Tooth for the “establishment of an all boys grammar school” four years earlier (13 February 1958). The original building was an 1886 farmhouse. The school began with a small staff of three and an enrolment of sixty-four boys between grades eight and twelve. Years later the school expanded its clientele and became fully co-educational.

Geographic Description 1: Outside The Green Belt

Geographic Description 2: North Pine River; South Pine River; Bald Hills Creek

Geographic Description 3: Flood Plains (Major); Hills


Brisbane History Group, Bald Hills Heritage Trail,

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