Stage Number: MBNH.08.04.12
Group: Northern
Local Study Area: Alderley-Newmarket
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 86 McDonald Rd, Windsor
Latitude & Longitude: -27.43033333,153.03869444
Time Link: 1914
Map Link: 1915
Image Time Point: 1915
Albion Drill Hall was built in 1914. Compulsory Military Training was introduced into Australia, July 1911. All Males between 18 and 20 years of age had to undertake a specified amount of drill per year. After WW1 rhe CMF trained there. In 1988 the hall was sold by the Commonwealth to the Peace Social Justice and Development Centre Inc.
Queensland World War II Historic Places; Windsor and Districts Historical Society
Albion Drill Hall, 2017. Photo Courtesy of the Windsor and Districts Historical Society
MLMS. 2 mile AG1 series 1906–1915—Moreton district. 2 Mile to the inch. Moreton 2 Mile map AG1 series sheet 2. AG1