Alfred Roberts' Omnibus Business

Stage Number: MBNH.07.02.22

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: Campbell Street, Taringa

Latitude & Longitude: -27.49033333,152.98808333

Time Link: 1872

Map Link: 1875

Image Time Point: 1875

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Roberts’ stables were roughly in the area of Campbell St, across Moggill Rd [and the later rail line] from the Union Sports Ground [now Oakman Park] Toowong. From “Arcadian Simplicity” by Helen Gregory 1990 [J. B. Fewings Memoirs of Toowong] page 36: “In 1872 Alfred Roberts began a horse omnibus service which plied between Eagle Street in the city and the present site of the Taringa shopping centre. Roberts sounded a bugle loudly to warn of the approach of the bus and charged one shilling for a one way trip and one shilling and six pence for the return journey. The gentry also used the omnibus service. They sometimes hired the bus, and its driver, to take them to balls, parties and theatrical entertainments in other parts of Brisbane.”


Taringa History Group. 23 April 2018

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 1015 Moreton District 20 Chain Maps – AG3. 20 chains to the inch. Parish of Indooroopilly, County of Stanley. 532928