Stage Number: MBSH.03.06.09
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Greenslopes-Coorparoo
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 55 Headfort St. Greenslopes
Latitude & Longitude: -27.51335556,153.04809444
Time Link: 1945
Map Link: 1946
Image Time Point: 1946
Built 1945, on 76 perches of Commonwealth land. The War Service Commission had held this site since 1920. Atypically, the Greenslopes Military Hospital site had not come with a standard Red Cross Hut. In December 1944, Federal approval was granted to the Red Cross to build a hall, library, reading rooms, billiard room, handcrafts room workroom, storeroom and hostel to bolster patient reccuperation at this Hospital. Building fundraising was held by the Red Cross at its 307 Queen Street cafe. The hall was a venue for dances, film screenings and concerts and it was staffed by volunteer Red Cross (mainly women) workers. The adjacent hostel accommodated interstate and intrastate relatives visiting patients. Postwar, the Red Cross facilities served repatriation patients.
Discover Queensland at war,
Qimagery. Brisbane City Council Series 1946. Scale: 1:15,900.