Stage Number: MBNH.12.02.03
Group: Eastern & Bay
Local Study Area: Bald Hills
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 56 Strathpine Rd, Bald Hills
Latitude & Longitude: -27.3165,153.00663889
Time Link: 1910
Map Link: 1911
Image Time Point: 1911
Bald Hills was settled by Scots families in 1857 who within six years built a Presbyterian church of simple slab construction. The formative Bald Hills Presbyterian Church was built in 1910.
Brisbane History Group, Bald Hills Heritage Trail,
MLMS. 40 chain AG2 series 1887–1932—Moreton district. 40 chains to 1 inch. Moreton 40 Chain map AG2 series sheet 2 west. AG2