Stage Number: MBSH.03.03.33
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Bulimba-Balmoral-Hawthorne-Morningside
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 105 Pashen St, Morningside
Latitude & Longitude: -27.46461111,153.06897222
Time Link: 1927
Map Link: 1929
Image Time Point: 1929
During the interwar period, the Queensland government undertook a building program to provide services and a sense of community to Brisbane’s expanding suburbs. Police and fire stations were essential to this program, with a central Metropolitan Fire Brigade Board created in 1921. This site was acquired in 1925 and its house and sheds were used as the Balmoral fire station until the new station was built and opened on 15 March 1927. Only single-storied, it had an engine room and other facilities but no residence. It was extended in 1929. During WWII, this station was also used for air raid precautions training and an air raid shelter was built, behind the station, in 1942.
Department of Enviroment & Heritage Protection, Qld Heritage Register citation No.601530
QSA. QSA Series 1690 Civic Survey of the City of Brisbane – AIAG2 Series. 4 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane, civic survey maps. Sheet 24, 4 chains to an inch. annotated with details of sales. 618944