Baneraba Scrub

Stage Number: MBNH.07.02.11

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Epoch: Early 19th Century

Street Address: Sylvan Road/ Jephson Road intersection and towards river, Toowong

Latitude & Longitude: -27.48072222,152.99180556

Time Link: 1823

Map Link: 1859

Image Time Point: 1859

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The usual post-Bora (initiation) hunting grounds for Ipswich, Brisbane and Wivenhoe Aboriginal groups when visiting the city area. It was in use during the 1840s-1860s and presumably traditionally (pre-Contact). Banjur (Banjo) – a rainmaker from Ninderry (Sunshine Coast) was the first to work the timber here, with the Petries, in the 1840s. The area featured hoop pines, figs, creepers, tulip wood, catbirds, scrub turkeys and yellow-wood.


Ray Kerkhove, 2015, Aboriginal Campsites of Greater Brisbane (Salisbury: Boolarong), 132-3.

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series 1748 Moreton District, County of Stanley Maps – A1 Series. 10 chains to the inch. Portions LXIV and LXV in the Parish of Indooroopilly, County of Stanley. 10 chains to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane. 620522