Beneke's Bush

Stage Number: MBNH.11.02.02

Group: Northern

Local Study Area: Aspley-Chermside West-Everton Park-Stafford

Epoch: Early 19th Century

Street Address: Cnr Rode & Webster Rds, Chermside

Latitude & Longitude: -27.39194444,153.02111111

Time Link: 1824

Map Link: 1884

Image Time Point: 1884

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What has become commemorated as Beneke’s Bush was the indigenous home of the Turrbul Tribe. The Beneke family were part of the large German immigration to the local area in the 19th Century.


Chermside & Districts Historical Society

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Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 5 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane. 5 chains to the inch. Government Engraving, and Lithographic Office, Brisbane. 634496