Stage Number: MBSH.02.01.09
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Dutton Park-South Woolloongabba-Buranda
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 37 Kent St, Woolloongabba
Latitude & Longitude: -27.49910833,153.03125833
Time Link: 1883
Map Link: 1884
Image Time Point: 1884
Built 1883. In 1886, the Queensland colonial government allotted 10 acres on Cornwall Street for a Deaf and Blind Training Centre. Adults trained in a workshop (1887) and a purpose-built Blind School opened on 1 February 1893 for 20 children, with a single teacher Miss Sharp. Joint classes were held until separate deaf classes began in 1897. Schooling for deaf or blind children was voluntary until 1924, when they were brought in-line with all other state students. Boarding fess were charged but abolished in 1950. the training of the blind ceased here in 1963.
Department of Enviroment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Heritage Register citation No.602670
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 5 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane. 5 chains to the inch. Government Engraving, and Lithographic Office, Brisbane.. 634496