Stage Number: MBSH.02.01.08
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Dutton Park-South Woolloongabba-Buranda
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 150 Annerley Rd. Dutton Park
Latitude & Longitude: -27.49517778,153.02868889
Time Link: 1883
Map Link: 1884
Image Time Point: 1884
Built 1903. Colonial government declared the site a Gaol Reserve in 1880, with first 57 cells bult from the demolished Petrie Terrace Gaol by Boggo Road Gaol’s opening in 1883. In 1903, this Women’s Prison was added. This became known as No.2 Division and the Male Prison was No.1 Division. 42 hangings conducted at No.1, the last being Ernest Austin in 1913. In WWII, Allied prisoners held there awaiting courtmartial. No.1 was demolished in 1960s, with new Male Prison built but its oval became notorious for having an underground punishment cell (‘The Black Hole’). Riots, hunger strikes and rooftop protests over poor conditions led to No.1 closing in 1992. No.2 closed in 1989 but a new Women’s Prison operated there until 2000. Site demolished except No.2, C5 block and a guard tower, which are now Boogo Rd Gaol Museum. Site now an urban village.
Department of Enviroment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Heritage Register citation No.601033
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 5 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane. 5 chains to the inch. Government Engraving, and Lithographic Office, Brisbane.. 634496