Stage Number: MBNH.07.02.52
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: Kensington Terrace, Toowong
Latitude & Longitude: -27.48780556,152.98786111
Time Link: 1918
Map Link: 1919
Image Time Point: 1919
This school began its life as Clayfield College for Boys in February 1902 with four students attending classes in a small house. When the Presbyterian Church took over the school in 1918 its search for new grounds lead to the purchase and gift of part of Sir Robert Philp’s estate in Toowong. The renamed Brisbane Boys College opened in Toowong in 1931.
Toowong History Group Inc; Department of Enviroment & Heritage Protection, Qld Heritage Register citation No.600337
Brisbane Boys College. Wikipedia.
MLMS. 40 chain AG2 series 1887–1932—Moreton district. 40 chains to 1 inch. Moreton 40 Chain map AG2 series sheet 1. AG2