Stage Number: MBNH.09.01.64
Group: Old Town & River
Local Study Area: Brisbane City (CBD)
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 2 George St, Brisbane City
Latitude & Longitude: -27.47661111,153.02894444
Time Link: 1911
Map Link: 1912
Image Time Point: 1912
Brisbane Central Technical College was built in 1911, Architect: Thomas Pye. This row of buildings was completed in 1956. It was the first University of Queensland campus, until the move to St, Lucia in 1945.
Department of Enviroment & Heritage Protection, Qld Heritage Register citation No.601728
MLMS. 2 mile AG1 series 1906–1915—Moreton district. 2 Mile to the inch. Moreton 2 Mile map AG1 series sheet 1. AG1