Stage Number: MBNH.06.04.06
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Upper Brookfield-Brookfield
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 2 Upper Brookfield Rd, Brookfield
Latitude & Longitude: -27.49497222,152.90858333
Time Link: 1886
Map Link: 1887
Image Time Point: 1887
Brookfield Uniting Church is on a two-acre site overlooking the showground, donated to the church in 1871. The Brookfield community built a hall on the site, which served as school during the week and as a chapel for the Bible Christian Church on Sundays. The present building was erected in 1888, serving Wesleyan Methodists, then Methodists and continues as a Uniting Church. Though the congregation is small, Uniting Church activities give it a considerable presence in the community.
Wager, Libby 1998. Different Tracks. Kenmore-Brookfield Parish of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 40 chains to 1 inch. Brisbane area including the Brisbane River and tributaries, Pine River, and creeks showing entrances to Moreton Bay, adjacent islands, land subdivisions with names of owners and lessees, railways, roads. 40 chains to the inch. Brisbane, Survey Office. 634763