Stage Number: MBSH.03.02.03
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Kangaroo Point-East Brisbane
Epoch: Early 19th Century
Street Address: 65 Holman Street, Kangaroo Point
Latitude & Longitude: -27.46591667,153.03541667
Time Link: 1844
Map Link: 1842
Image Time Point: 1842
This was the first of several hotels to open around Kangaroo Point during the 1840s, being licensed in 1844. The Bush Inn has gained some historical notoriety as the scene of the gruesome murder of Robert Cox in 1848, whose dismembered body parts were found at various locations around the vicinity. One man – William Fyfe – hanged for this crime, although speculation continues to this day as to the guilt or innocence of another possible suspect, Patrick Mayne.
Rosamond Siemon, ‘The Mayne Inheritance’, St Lucia: UQ Press, 1997.
Brisbane views from Bowen Terrace looking across Kangaroo Point, 1851. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland. Record number: 110916.
SLQ. First Survey of Crown Lands in the Moreton Bay District, 1842, by Surveyor Henry Wade.Brisbane, 1842. RBM 841.16 1842 00013 E