Stage Number: MBNH.09.02.12
Group: Old Town & River
Local Study Area: Petrie Terrace-Spring Hill-Bowen Hills
Epoch: Late 20th Century
Street Address: [?] Bowen Hills
Latitude & Longitude: -27.44705556,153.04016667
Time Link: 1940
Map Link: 1942
Image Time Point: 1942
Cloudland Ballroom, originally called Luna Park and intended as a ‘fun park’ (amusement), was constructed in 1939-1940. Its role changed with the takeover of the site by the U.S. Army in 1942, transforming it into the ‘Cloudland Ballroom’ of popular memory.
Cohen, Kay. with Val Donovan, Ruth Kerr, Margaret Kowald, Lyndsay Smith, and Jean Stewart. Lost Brisbane and Surrounding Areas 1860-1960. Volume 1. RHSQ. 2014. page 299; Volume 2 page 267
QSA. QSA Series ID 2058 Moreton District Maps – A Series. 4 miles to the inch. Moreton District. Sheet 1. 4 miles to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane. 634925