Coorparoo Police Station

Stage Number: MBSH.03.06.23

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Greenslopes-Coorparoo

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 19 Knowsley St, Greenslopes

Latitude & Longitude: -27.49980556,153.04966667

Time Link: 1929

Map Link: 1929

Image Time Point: 1929

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Part of the Queensland Government’s infrastructure plan for Brisbane’s spreading urbanisation, the Knowsley Street site was acquired in 1923. But it took another 6 years, before the new station was built (by R. Dempster) and operational. It combined offices and cells, with a residentail space built on the left-side. This allowed a policeman to be stationed permanently in the Coorparoo shire. While the station was named after this shire, it is now located in Greenslopes, which had become this area’s name after the extension of the local tramline in 1914.


Local History – Greenslopes on ABC Radio Brisbane,; Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series 1690 Civic Survey of the City of Brisbane – AIAG2 Series. 4 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane, civic survey maps. Sheet 24, 4 chains to an inch. annotated with details of sales. 618944