Stage Number: MBNH.10.02.09
Group: Old Town & River
Local Study Area: Airport-Hendra-Eagle Farm
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: Brisbane Airport
Latitude & Longitude: -27.37116667,153.15438889
Time Link: 1935
Map Link: 1936
Image Time Point: 1936
Cribb Island is one of a few lost townships for Brisbane. In 1974 the Commonwealth Government made massive land acquisition across Cribb Island, Myrtletown, and Lower Nudgee for Brisbane Airport development. Although mostly farm land, whole local communities disappeared.
Kowald, Margaret. with Val Donovan, Ruth Kerr, Kay Cohen, Lyndsay Smith, and Jean Stewart. Lost Brisbane and Surrounding Areas: The Later Years. Volume 2. RHSQ. 2016 page 154-155
Qimagery. Brisbane 1936. Scale: 1:11,000.