Stage Number: MBSH.05.03.05
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Seventeen Mile Rocks-Darra
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 6 Lee Rd, Darra
Latitude & Longitude: -27.56691667,152.95231389
Time Link: 1924
Map Link: 1917
Image Time Point: 1917
Built 1924. It replaced a smaller church that had only been built in 1914 near the start of World War I. By the mid-1920s, the population of Darra had grown. The Methodist congregation found their little church overcrowded. A site was bought on Lee Road, very close to Darra Railway Station and the stump-capping ceremony for the new church was laid on 17 May 1924, by Rev. H.M. Wheeler. He was not only the chairman of the West Moreton Methodist District but a highly successful businessman, who ran an aereated waters (soft drink) company. £450 was raised for the building fund. The new Church had a seating capacity of 100.
NEW CHURCH AT DARRA, The Brisbane Courier, 19 May 1924, page 15,
SLQ. Mathews, E. J. Maps of Brisbane and Suburbs E.J. Mathews, Staff Surveyor. Brisbane: Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, 1917. ATLASL 628.2 1917