Stage Number: MBNH.11.03.22
Group: Northern
Local Study Area: Chermside-Wavell Heights-Kedron-Nundah
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 2 Rode Rd, Wavell Heights
Latitude & Longitude: -27.39802778,153.05863889
Time Link: 1927
Map Link: 1928
Image Time Point: 1928
Dr Hedley Brown’s Consulting Rooms/Residence was built in 1927. After the completion of the dwelling Dr Brown worked from there as a general practitioner. About 1942 he practised both at his Rode Road surgery and at Wickham Terrace in Brisbane. In the Real Estate Section of the Courier Mail dated 21 November 1959 the home was advertised to be auctioned on the grounds on 1 December, as ‘Well-Known Doctor’s Residence, corner Sandgate Road and Rode Road’. The portion of the property facing Sandgate Road was sold to Esso Standard Oil of Australia (c1964) and used as a petrol station for many years. Since then the site has been occupied by various businesses and a dental practice.
Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary, ttps:// ; From Pioneering Days—Nundah Northgate Virginia. Nundah & Districts Historical Society
MLMS. 40 chain AG2 series 1887–1932—Moreton district. 40 chains to 1 inch. Moreton 40 Chain map AG2 series sheet 2 north. AG2