Dutton Park (Boggo Road) Camp

Stage Number: MBSH.02.01.16

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Dutton Park-South Woolloongabba-Buranda

Epoch: Early 19th Century

Street Address: Boggo Road Jail site, towards Boggo Road School, Dutton Park

Latitude & Longitude: -27.49469444,153.02858333

Time Link: 1823

Map Link: 1840

Image Time Point: 1840

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Aboriginal Camp on the ridge now occupied by Boggo Road Jail and its surrounds. This was used into the 1870s. The area was one end of the former ‘Boggo Scrub’ that was a valued resource.


Ray Kerkhove, 2015, Aboriginal Campsites of Greater Brisbane (Salisbury: Boolarong), 188.

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 4314, Survey Plans, Charts and Maps of Moreton Bay Settlement and Queensland. 4 chains to the inch. Town of Brisbane by Surveyor Robert Dixon, Assistant Surveyor, Mar 1840. 4 chains to an inch. 714286