Stage Number: MBSH.04.06.02
Group: Eastern & Bay
Local Study Area: Eight Mile Plains-Kuraby
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 24 Gaskell St, Eight Mile Plains
Latitude & Longitude: -27.58375,153.09836111
Time Link: 1865
Map Link: TBA
Image Time Point: TBA
Charles Baker was granted a Publican’s Licence on 12 December 1865, and Baker’s Hotel became the first such facility in the area. Charles was then refused a license in 1869 after being fined for ‘sly grog selling’. Shortly afterwards, this establishment became the Eight Mile Plains Hotel, and was a place where Cobb & Co. changed horses and the passengers were refreshed before continuing their journey to or from Beenleigh and further south. In 1927, two Scottish sisters Mary-Jane McCamey and Emma O’Sullivan took over the hotel and changed its name to The Glen, and the modern Glen Hotel now stands on the same site.
Beryl Roberts, ‘Naming Brisbane’, Brisbane, B. Roberts, 2013, p. 36; Brisbane Courier, 21 April 1869, 22 July 1927.
Eight Mile Plains Hotel Brisbane, ca. 1905. State Library of Queensland, Record number: 111248.
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