Eton High School for Girls Chapel

Stage Number: MBNH.11.03.16

Group: Northern

Local Study Area: Chermside-Wavell Heights-Kedron-Nundah

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 39 Imbross St, Nundah

Latitude & Longitude: -27.39963889,153.05077778

Time Link: 1904

Map Link: 1905

Image Time Point: 1905

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Eton High School for Girls Chapel was built in 1904, Architect: R. Dods. The School closed and was reopened as St Francis’s Theological College so it became St Francis’ s College Chapel. After the College moved to Milton, this buiding was relocatted to the present site in 1936 to become the Church of the Holy Spirit.


Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary,

Image Citations

Map References

MLMS. 8 chain series 1904–1917—Brisbane. 8 chains to the inch. Cadastral map of Brisbane and Suburbs sheet 7. MLMS 8 Chain