Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.54
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley (formerly pilot)
Epoch: Early 19th Century
Street Address: 153 Venner Street
Latitude & Longitude: -27.51241667,153.02277778
Time Link: 1823
Map Link: 1844
Image Time Point: 1844
An area used for sharpening stone axes and possibly plant-food processing. This was one end of the ‘Bloggo Scrub’ so may have pertained to plants procurred from this rainforest pocket and the work of harvesting honey from the trees.
Ray Kerkhove, ‘Enduring Prescence,’ in Stephen Sheaffe, Stories of Stephens: A History of Annerley and the Surrounding Suburbs Annerley: Annerley-Stephens Historical Society, 2017, pp.14-15.
SLQ. First Survey of Crown Lands in the Moreton Bay District, 1842, by Surveyor Henry Wade.Brisbane, 1842. RBM 841.16 1842 00013 E