Fairfield Farm

Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.10

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: 136 Home Street

Latitude & Longitude: -27.50698333,153.02476667

Time Link: 1878

Map Link: 1884

Image Time Point: 1884

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The most productive farm near the Boggo ridge was Fairfield farm belonging to the Grimes family. Producing sugar and arrowroot, it extended from its access road (Tamar Street from the top of the ridge at Annerley Road) and followed down to the river into the Yeronga area. The present-day Tamar Street was the original Fairfield Road prior to the railway line and was known as Lower Boggo road, as the present-day Annerley Road was once Boggo road. It is said that Joseph Thompson cleared timber near Grimes’ farm around what is now Dutton Park. Thompson and a partner shipped to Melbourne 40,000 pine shingles from the Boggo Road scrub on the boundary of Fairfield. Samuel Grimes, the parliamentary member for Oxley (1878-1902) and his brother George Grimes, the parliamentary member for Bulimba (1876-1878), owned Fairfield farm since the 1850s, where they established the Baptist Church for the district in 1865. George Grimes was a founder of the East Moreton Farmers’ Association (later merged into the National Association), a member of the Queensland Commission to the International Exhibition in Melbourne in 1888, and Chairman of the Stephens Shire Council. John Soden worked for the Grimes brothers on Fairfield farm, when his family first arrived in the colony and before he moved to his own farm at Coopers Plains.


Christopher Dawson. What’s in a name? The rise, fall and comeback of Boggo. Queensland History Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4, Feb 2011. p.228. Dawson cites JOL No. 1910, Real Estate Plans, “Highgate Hill’, 1862, and Brisbane Courier, 9 July 1884; Erica Ferroff (Edited). A Century of Achievement. The Centenary Committee of the Junction Park State School, 1988. p. 10. Death of Mr George Grimes. The Brisbane Courier. 29 January 1910, p. 5; Ros Gillespie. Boggo, Yeronga, and Beyond, Leaving Footprints, Making Pathways. Yeronga State School, 1996. pp. 7, 23; Anne MacKenzie. Memories Along the Boggo Track. Boolarong Press, 1992. pp. 2-3; The Late Mrs. John Soden. The Brisbane Courier. 23 May 1927. p. 22; Beryl Roberts. Stories of the Southside. Volume Two. Q.V. Books, 2012. pp. 83-85.

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 5 chains to the inch. City of Brisbane. 5 chains to the inch. Government Engraving, and Lithographic Office, Brisbane.. 634496