Gateway Camp

Stage Number: MBNH.10.02.03

Group: Old Town & River

Local Study Area: Airport-Hendra-Eagle Farm

Epoch: Early 19th Century

Street Address: Below Curtin Avenue West, Eagle Farm

Latitude & Longitude: -27.4415,153.07933333

Time Link: 1823

Map Link: 1842

Image Time Point: 1842

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An Aboriginal Camp associated with river crossings at this point (across former sand banks), and utilizing the rainforest and wetlands that once prevailed to the east of this area. This was used into the 1840s-1860s.


Ray Kerkhove, 2015, Aboriginal Campsites of Greater Brisbane (Salisbury: Boolarong), 164.

Image Citations

Map References

QSA. QSA Series 1748 Moreton District, County of Stanley Maps – A1 Series. 2/3 links to the inch. Negative photostat copy of plan of land offered for sale 7 Dec 1842 in Parish of Toombul, including old Female Factory, Eagle Farm, Queensland. ca 538. 2/3 links to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane. 620225