Gladstone Road Omnibus Depot

Gladstone Road Omnibus Depot

Stage Number: MBSH.02.01.10

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Dutton Park-South Woolloongabba-Buranda

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: 2 Bower Street, Dutton Park

Latitude & Longitude: -27.49336111,153.02183333

Time Link: 1890

Map Link: 1890

Image Time Point: 1890

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An early omnibus proprietor was James Clarke, who lived on the corner of Bower Street and Gladstone Road, Dutton Park. In 1890 he established a horse-drawn bus service that ran from Eagle Street to Bower Street, where he also had his stables. Clarke had two buses, each drawn by two horses and carrying 16 passengers. He operated this service until the introduction of the electric tramway along Gladstone Road to Dutton Park in 1908.


Brisbane Courier, 13 September 1930.

Image Citations

Horse bus owned by James Clark awaiting departure, Brisbane, 1890s. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland. Record number: 446980.

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 18 chains to the inch. Map of City of Brisbane and suburbs issued with Pugh’s Almanac. 18 chains to the inch.. 634512