God's Acre (Grenier Family Graveyard)

Stage Number: MBSH.02.09.04

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Archerfield-Acacia Ridge

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: Beatty Rd, Archerfield

Latitude & Longitude: -27.57189167,153.01371944

Time Link: 1859

Map Link: TBA

Image Time Point: TBA

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Opened 1859. It began as Thomas Grenier’s family graveyard after his son died in a horse-fall. Burial plots were extended to include other pioneer families. Grenier bequeathed 3 roods of his farm to be dedicated as a small public cemetey that became known as ‘God’s Acre Cemetery’. It passed from family trustees to the Yerongpilly Shire Council in 1924. The next year, after that shire was incorporated into the Greater Brisbane City Council, it became a B.C.C. responsibility. From the 1920s, this cemetery became enclosed by Brisbane’s first airport, Archerfield Aerodrome. It is a Federal Airports Corporation site leased to the B.C.C. Last burial: Olive Grenier on 16 July 1980.


Beryl Roberts, Stories of the Southside, (Brisbane: B. Roberts, 1991); Friends of Gods Acre, Newsletter June 2009, http://archerfieldairport.com.au/Downloads/FOGA_Newsletter_Jun09.pdf

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