Greene Park Shanty Town

Greene Park Shanty Town

Stage Number: MBSH.04.02.32

Group: Eastern & Bay

Local Study Area: Wynnum-Wynnum West-Manly-Lota-Manly West

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: Greene Park, Glenora Street, Wynnum

Latitude & Longitude: -27.43597222,153.17272222

Time Link: 1944

Map Link: 1946

Image Time Point: 1946

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This was another of the several ‘shanty towns’ that existed around Brisbane after WWII, where homeless families clustered together in makeshift camps. By 1948 there were nine families living in tents in Greene Park, including 18 adults and 14 children. This was actually a legitimate camping ground, but there was a maximum stay limit of six weeks and some of the families had been there for two years. It was cleared by order of council later that year, although the families did get priority for State Housing.


Brisbane Telegraph, 6 November 1948; Courier-Mail, 10 November 1948, 26 September 1950.

Image Citations

Fox Street Bridge from Greene Park, 1978. Brisbane City Council. Brisbane Images. BCC-WYN-160.

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane City Council Series 1946. Scale: 1:15,900.