Stage Number: MBNH.09.01.38
Group: Old Town & River
Local Study Area: Brisbane City (CBD)
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 332 George St, Brisbane City
Latitude & Longitude: -27.46933333,153.02169444
Time Link: 1886
Map Link: 1887
Image Time Point: 1887
Grosvenor Hotel was built in 1886, Architect: J.R. Hall. Due to the success of the Grosvenor Hotel, just 5 years after it’s construction this extension was built to furteher hotel’s frontage along George Street. In 1924, the hotel was sold to Castlemaine Brewery and this extension was sold to the Duncalfe & Co drapery business, next door. It was renamed “Duncalfe Chambers’. The doorways to the Grosvenor Hotel was sealed and a new doorway, on the second floor, was cut to connect it to the Duncalfe & Co building.
J. Ford & S. Grassadonia, C.B.D Masterplan Heritage Survey 2003-07, Parts 1-5, (B.C.C., 2008)
QSA. QSA Series ID 2043 City of Brisbane and Suburbs Maps – A1A Series. 40 chains to 1 inch. Brisbane area including the Brisbane River and tributaries, Pine River, and creeks showing entrances to Moreton Bay, adjacent islands, land subdivisions with names of owners and lessees, railways, roads. 40 chains to the inch. Brisbane, Survey Office. 634763