H.M. Wheller Garden Settlement

Stage Number: MBNH.11.03.27

Group: Northern

Local Study Area: Chermside-Wavell Heights-Kedron-Nundah

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 930 Gympie Rd, Chermside

Latitude & Longitude: -27.38336111,153.02944444

Time Link: 1936

Map Link: 1936

Image Time Point: 1936

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H.M. Wheller Garden Settlement was opened in 1936. Created by Methodist social advocate Rev. Harold Wheller. Land and funding donated by aereated waters businessman and leading Methodist George Marchant. Now part of the ‘Wheller’s Gardens’ retirement village run by the Uniting Church.


Brisbane City Council, Heritage Register Summary, http://bit.ly/2KdDKSi

Image Citations

Map References

Qimagery. Brisbane 1936. Scale: 1:11,000.