Stage Number: MBSH.03.08.05
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Holland Park-Holland Park West
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 309 Nursery Rd, Holland Park
Latitude & Longitude: -27.52721389,153.07566111
Time Link: 1908
Map Link: 1918
Image Time Point: 1918
According to Dr Mustafa Ally, the president of Crescents of Brisbane: “In the early 1900s the Afghans and Pakistanis came to Australia as cameleers, to help people explore across Australia. Subsequently, the first mosques were built in Adelaide.If you go back to the first mosque along the east coast…it’s been now over 100 years [since its construction]. This mosque was built in Holland Park…it was built in 1908”. Mohammad Abdul Gaffar Deen, President of the Holland Park Mosque, explains that it was this same group of cameleers who built the mosque.“The Afghans and the Pakistanis built the mosque in 1908, and it stood until 1968. This original mosque was 1000m3. In 1969 it was replaced with a larger mosque”. There are two major denominations in Islam. Sunni is the largest denomination of Islam, which seeks Sunnah – emulation of the example set by Prophet Muhammad and his closest companions. It does not have a formal hierarchy, instead emphasising the community of believers (umma). Shi’ite/ Shia is the denomination of Islam prominent in Iraq and Iran, which believes that Prophet Muhammad designated Ali as his successor. It emphasises the teachings and authority of lineages of Imams. This means it is often hierarchical, yet it is more inclusive and diverse in its theology and practice than Sunni Islam. Shi’ites and Sunnis will if necessary pray in the same mosque, so both Kuraby & Holland Park claim to have “all denominations.”
QSA. QSA Series 1748 Moreton District, County of Stanley Maps – A1 Series. 5 chains to the inch. Plan of 48 allotments for sale Hill View Estate, Logan Rd., Brisbane (Sub 1A of part of portions 235-6, Pa of Yeerongpilly), the property of Qld Deposit Bank, for auction by AS Phillips, 156-8 Queen St. 1-1/5 chains/inch. HT James, Lithographer, Brisbane. 620519