Home of Charles Lambert Depree ('Goldicott')

Home of Charles Lambert Depree ('Goldicott')

Stage Number: MBNH.07.02.31

Group: Western

Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly

Epoch: Late 19th Century

Street Address: 50 Grove St, Toowong

Latitude & Longitude: -27.48622222,152.987

Time Link: 1885

Map Link: 1886

Image Time Point: 1886

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Goldicott House’ was built in 1885. Catholic Mount St Mary’s Convent


Department of Enviroment & Heritage Protection, Qld Heritage Register citation No.601601

Image Citations

Home of Mr Charles Lambert Depree, Goldicott. Toowong History Group

Map References

QSA. QSA Series ID 1015 Moreton District 20 Chain Maps – AG3. 20 chains to the inch. Parish of Indooroopilly, County of Stanley. 532938