Stage Number: MBNH.07.02.78
Group: Western
Local Study Area: Toowong-St Lucia-Indooroopilly
Epoch: Late 19th Century
Street Address: 600 Coronation Drive,Toowong
Latitude & Longitude: -27.48452778,152.99555556
Time Link: 1891
Map Link: 1867
Image Time Point: 1867
Middenbury, one of the earliest of the houses, built in 1865 for Mrs Rogers, previously of Sydney, and still standing today, would be one of the most notable. Following the death of Mrs Rogers in 1875 the house was eventually purchased by the O’Shea family in 1891, they were prominent in Brisbane racing. Becoming a premier social centre for Brisbane, it remained in the possession of the O’Shea family until the death of the last unmarried brother and sister in 1949. The next owners were the Webster family of Brisbane biscuit fame. In 1959 it became the property of the Australian Broadcasting Commission. (Toowong 1863-2011)
Toowong & District Historical Society, Toowong Heritage Architecture and Street Art, (Toowong, T. & D. H. S., 2009); F.E. Lord, “Brisbane Historic Homes”, The Queenslander, 21 November 1932, p.35. Reported in Westside News 20th August 2014, page 15 and referenced in the RHSQ, Bulletin 791, November 2014.
Middenbury, photographed on 21 January 1932. State Library of Queensland Image number 16173.
QSA. QSA Series 1748 Moreton District, County of Stanley Maps – A1 Series. 20 chains to the inch. Plan of portions 160 to 190, Parish of Indooroopilly, County of Stanley. 20 chains to the inch. Survey Office, Brisbane. 620523