Stage Number: MBSH.02.10.04
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Archerfield-Acacia Ridge
Epoch: Early 19th Century
Street Address: Intersection Boundary Road and Ipswich Road
Latitude & Longitude: -27.56394167,152.99108611
Time Link: 1853
Map Link: TBA
Image Time Point: TBA
As rural settlement extended to this district, the use of this route changed. From about 1853 to 1860, it was used to transport wool by wagon and dray from Ipswich to a wharf at Cleveland Point. Wool growers used Ipswich as their commercial centre because, for many years they were excluded from Brisbane, previously a convict settlement. Described as being ‘very passable in fine weather; but about 12 miles are over dog-tree ridges, where, in wet weather it is likely to be very boggy’ , it was no longer used for that purpose as steamers began to carry wool down river to load at the Brisbane port. The name ‘Ipswich to Cleveland Road’ continued to be used to describe the location of farms.
Empire, Sydney, 21 November 1853; The Moreton Bay Courier, 21 January 1854, 28 January 1854 and 5 March 1870.
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