Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.29
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 68 Waldheim Street
Latitude & Longitude: -27.50968889,153.03665556
Time Link: 1908
Map Link: 1907
Image Time Point: 1907
The seventeenth anniversary of the Junction Park State School (1891), in 1908, was celebrated with the formal opening of both the tennis court and the rifle range. The miniature rifle range was on the eastern side of the school property, overlooking the Norman Creek valley. The exact location and area of the rifle range has not yet been determined. There is currently some confusion, retrospectively, with the two different references being made: to the rifle range on the school grounds and to the Ekibin rifle range. The latter was owned by the Commonwealth Defence Department. Only a year after the opening of the miniature rifle range, Edwin Down, the School Committee, was writing an alarming letter to the Department of Public Instruction about the danger that was presented by the Ekibin range to the children. It suggests that the location was off the school grounds and in facility of the Drill Hall (from 1914; see entry) to the south of the school.
Rifle Clubs. This Afternoon’s Parade. To Be Held At Lang Park, Ithaca. The Brisbane Courier. Saturday 5 June 1915 p 5, p. 5; Rifle Clubs. The Brisbane Courier. Friday 18 February 1916, p. 7; State School Anniversary. The Brisbane Courier. Monday 6 April 1908, p. 4; Letter from Edwin Down. 16 February 1909 QSA School Files (Correspondence) 15017 for Junction Park 1890-1919, NDB Document No. 235-236.
MLMS. 8 chain series 1904–1917—Brisbane. 8 chains to the inch. Cadastral map of Brisbane and Suburbs sheet 3. MLMS 8 Chain