Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.30
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 50 Waldheim Street
Latitude & Longitude: -27.50977778,153.03555833
Time Link: 1936
Map Link: 1936
Image Time Point: 1936
Junction Park State School was the renamed Thompson Estate State School in 1893 (see entry). In 1936 the school was virtually rebuilt with a large three story modern brick building. The public works tender and construction for the New Main Building from 20 December 1934 to 30 June 1936 was the biggest building project that Junction Park has ever seen. The total cost for the project was £22,075 as reported by the Department of Public Works (23 June 1936). The history in the construction of the new main building at Junction Park was important to the wider local community because it was largely carried out by Depression Relief Workers, locals who were struggling to find income. The opening of the Main Brick Building was on Saturday 17 October 1936, and performed by the Minister of Public Instruction, Frank Cooper. Junction Park State School continued to be considered one of the leading centres of state primary education since the earlier epoch of James Dempsey.
Erica McCall. Junction Park State School. John Kerr (Edited). The Annals of Annerley: Proceedings of the Annerley Conference. 17 July 1994. Royal Historical Society of Queensland. 1997; Letter from the School Committee Secretary. 28 June 1934. QSA Public Works File 126198 for Junction Park State School 1928-1956. NDB Document No. DSC03485; Memo from the Department of Public Works. 23 June 1936. QSA Public Works File 126198 for Junction Park State School 1928-1956. NDB Document No. DSC03556; New School at Junction Park. Official Opening By Minister. The Courier-Mail. Monday 19 October 1936, p. 18; Junction Park State School. Brisbane City Council Heritage Register.
Junction Park State School, 1936. Junction Park State School History Project. 2013.
Qimagery. Brisbane 1936. Scale: 1:11,000.