Junction Park Tennis Club

Stage Number: MBSH.02.02.31

Group: Southern

Local Study Area: Fairfield-Annerley

Epoch: Early 20th Century

Street Address: 1 Gowrie Street

Latitude & Longitude: -27.50906944,153.03488333

Time Link: 1910

Map Link: 1911

Image Time Point: 1911

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The Junction Park Tennis Club was put together by a group of the Junction Park State School’s past scholars, and that the school tennis court were opened in December 1908. By 1910 the organisation became known with its proper title of the Annerley Lawn Tennis Club. Many of the prominent families in the school community and district were among the active members of the club — Bell-Booth, Cooke, Dempsey, Dickson, Dimmock, Doig, Down, Fowles, Haseman, Marshall, Wainwright, and others. A second court was opened in 1913. The tennis courts were demolished to make way for the B Building at the school.


Social. The Brisbane Courier. Saturday 13 June 1908, p. 7; Junction Park. The Brisbane Courier. Saturday 12 December 1908, p. 6.; The Brisbane Courier. Tuesday 8 March 1910, p. 7; Annerley Lawn Tennis Club. The Brisbane Courier. Monday 21 April 1913, p. 4.

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Map References

MLMS. 40 chain AG2 series 1887–1932—Moreton district. 40 chains to 1 inch. Moreton 40 Chain map AG2 series sheet 2 west. AG2