Stage Number: MBSH.03.02.17
Group: Southern
Local Study Area: Kangaroo Point-East Brisbane
Epoch: Early 20th Century
Street Address: 301 Main St. Kangaroo Point
Latitude & Longitude: -27.47098889,153.03482778
Time Link: 1910
Map Link: 1911
Image Time Point: 1911
Built 1910. A prior lockup was built in 1872 for the one-constable police post. After 38 years of use, a replacement two-cell block was required. The 1872 cell doors were reused in the 1910 building. A larger police station was built but it was demolished in 1976 for an expansion of Bradfield Highway route to the Story Bridge. Only the lockup remains to mark an important C19th police post.
Brisbane Living Heritage Network, Heritage Experience Guides: Reflections on the River, (Brisbane, Brisbane City Council, c2010)
MLMS. 40 chain AG2 series 1887–1932—Moreton district. 40 chains to 1 inch. Moreton 40 Chain map AG2 series sheet 2 west. AG2